"Pretend It's 1927. What Advice Would Your Give Your Grandparents About The Upcoming Great Depression?" This is a very interesting and telling question. I first heard it posed by a homestead influencer, Patera, when she posted it on her own YouTube channel, Appalachia Homestead.
#1. Establish a roof over your head. Pay off the mortgage or go buy land and a shack. For cash.
#2. Have enough cash (or gold or silver or some asset you can sell) to pay off the property taxes for the next 5 to 10 years.
#3. Grow a garden with both fruits and vegetables. Start canning, freezing, dehydrating food.
#4. Get 6 chickens and build a safe coop for them.
#5 Develop alternate means for cooking and electricity. Thank goodness for solar power!
#6. Get to know your neighbors. Make peace with your family. Have friends you can trust.
#7. Make sure your vehicle is titled free and clear to you. Downsize if need be. Buy a hybrid.
#8. Learn a trade you can barter with. I specialize in sewing/mending. Hubby can fix ANYTHING!
#9. Have things you can barter with: liquor, jewelry, food, etc.
#10. Join a church or a congregation. You're going to need a friend in Jesus.
This is NOT a political statement. America is broke and she has been in trouble for many, many years. What we have now is someone in the administration who is not going to fake it anymore. No more kicking the can down the road. If things aren't corrected now, America will go bankrupt and NO ONE will be getting any benefits at all. Better to have a little something than nothing, is what my accountant always used to advise me. Right now America is involved in a trade war and it's getting uglier and uglier with each passing hour. The world has gone crazy. Period. So, what do we do in the mean time?
We prepare and we get ready to survive. No one cares what car you drive, what clothes you are wearing or what neighborhood you live in. We have a whole different set of rules right now and NONE of them are pretty. I've been a frugal miser most of my adult life so there won't be much pain in my coping with the doom and gloom. I'm used to sacrifice. I'm used to going without. I'm content to eat beans and rice. I don't actually care what people think and/or say about me. The name of the game is survival and there are so many people out there who don't even know what I am talking about. Sadly, they will quickly find out.
Try to imagine going back in time to 1927-1928. You've seen images of The Great Depression. That image has a huge possibility of coming back to haunt all of us. Ask yourself Panera's question and then start preparing. Time is short, you may not have a lot of it. But you do have some of it.
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