Wednesday, February 5, 2025

And Now The Scan Waiting Game (UPDATED)

 It's Day 3 after my lymph node biopsy was done. Doctor told me results would be available in three to six days. Waiting for these results has got to be the worst experience of my life. So far. It's awful not knowing if the one year of already breast cancer treatment I've undergone has done its job or was it all for nothing? Am I back to a square one? The thoughts racing through my mind has been a cross between defeatist and optimism. Will I go on living or will I be dying sooner than I wanted to?

I can't eat. I can't think. I can't reason. I can't sleep. Yet, I am keeping up a smile and a fake facade so I do not worry my family or my friends. How I wish God were a real, human-fleshed being who could pick me up in His arms and tell me everything is going to be OK. But that will never happen. It will be as God says it will be despite all these decades of blessings and good tidings. I'll say no more. I'll just keep on waiting and let y'all know just as soon as I know.

UPDATE: My surgeon just called me at 5:30EST to tell me the biopsy came back NEGATIVE!!  I do NOT have cancer. God is good. He answered my prayers. I am going to be alright! Now? Back to living my life!!!


  1. SO many of us have had to hold our breaths until results came back. It's really hard. I'm so happy the news was good!

    1. It was the worst week ever! I know I'll have more scans for the rest of my life so I'm trying to master this stress. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Oh my gosh, Cindy, I am just catching up. Ugh. I'm so sorry you had to deal with the wait, but I'm thrilled with the results!

    1. Sharon, I have been on cloud 9 for two days. I get to enjoy and live my life!!! Thanks for your comment. Missed you!!!

  3. Thanks for the update, LTB. I have been praying the Our Lady of Lourdes novena for you. Thanks to God for answered prayers.

    1. Chris, your prayers worked! Praise God. I can't believe how blessed I am in this special moment. Thank you again!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Sluggy. It's as if I was given a new lease on life! Going to live it much more humble.


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